Caught another gas miner at “my” gas cloud tonight. He was in a T2-fitted Stabber with four gas harvesters high, not a gun to be seen. I think he had a covert ops bird somewhere in the system “watching out” for him, but if so, they failed:
2009.03.19 02:53:00
Victim: iEatBlackPanthers
Corp: b.b.k
Alliance: Fidelas Constans
Faction: NONE
Destroyed: Stabber
System: J235321
Security: 0.0
Damage Taken: 3706
Involved parties:
Name: Marlenus (laid the final blow)
Security: 1.2
Corp: Ironfleet Towing And Salvage
Alliance: Tear Extraction And Reclamation Service
Faction: NONE
Ship: Caracal
Weapon: Scourge Heavy Missile
Damage Done: 3706
Destroyed items:
Cap Recharger II
Expanded Cargohold II
Gas Cloud Harvester I, Qty: 3
Dropped items:
Invulnerability Field I
Cap Recharger II
Expanded Cargohold II, Qty: 2
Gas Cloud Harvester I
They also failed to hit warp in their pod, which is odd considering that my little Caracal is not the fastest-locking boat in space:
2009.03.19 02:54:00
Victim: iEatBlackPanthers
Corp: b.b.k
Alliance: Fidelas Constans
Faction: NONE
Destroyed: Capsule
System: J235321
Security: 0.0
Damage Taken: 415
Involved parties:
Name: Marlenus (laid the final blow)
Security: 1.2
Corp: Ironfleet Towing And Salvage
Alliance: Tear Extraction And Reclamation Service
Faction: NONE
Ship: Caracal
Weapon: Scourge Heavy Missile
Damage Done: 415
And best of all, he was mining into a jet can, so I’m now richer by 1500 units of Fullerite-C70.
If the gas miners keep coming to Greater Mars, I’m going to have to make a special trip to Jita, just to sell all the gas and excess gas harvesters!
The fight itself was nothing special; due to good recon, I came out of warp less than a dozen klicks away from him, put a warp disruptor on him and blew him away in six volleys. He was awake enough that he was trying to speed out of my disruptor range, but he didn’t have a speed advantage , so it didn’t work. The combat was short, sweet, and one-sided, just the way I like ’em.
Update: Just after I finished posting the above, I turned my attention back to my other screen, where I was sitting, still in my Caracal, at the POS administrative headquarters of Greater Mars.
Guess who came sliding out of warp in a newbie ship? Your friend and mine, iEatBlackPanthers.
There are guns on this POS. This is news to you and it was news to him. They blew him out of space.
Pretty much simultaneously, I initiated warp out to the wreck from where I was, and a Curse came sliding out of warp in the same place as the wreck. About the time I landed on the wreck, a Myrmidon came out of warp, also.
In my imagination, Panthers-boy left the wormhole long enough to dock and get a newbie ship, then came back with friends to get some revenge. I can picture a prober saying “I’ve got him, warping fleet now!” followed by the yelling “It’s a POS! They have guns!” as Panthersboy went kaboom. I’d say all three were separated by about the amount of time you’d expect for ships of three different warp-speed-and-agility classes, if they were ending a long warp that was initiated for all of them at the same time.
In the event, the Curse executed a very quick exit. I got a lock on the Myrm and on Panthers-boy’s pod, and put a couple of volleys into the battlecruiser; apparently the POS guns were helping, because he want to low armor with shocking speed, before he lumbered back into warp himself.
The pod was still there, even though I didn’t think to warp scramble it:
2009.03.19 03:36:00
Victim: iEatBlackPanthers
Corp: b.b.k
Alliance: Fidelas Constans
Faction: NONE
Destroyed: Capsule
System: J235321
Security: 0.0
Damage Taken: 439
Involved parties:
Name: Marlenus (laid the final blow)
Security: 1.2
Corp: Ironfleet Towing And Salvage
Alliance: Tear Extraction And Reclamation Service
Faction: NONE
Ship: Caracal
Weapon: Scourge Heavy Missile
Damage Done: 439
Revenge expedition: failed.
I notice there were 42 minutes between those two poddings. Do you suppose, in all the excitement of rounding up a little revenge fleet, our man remembered to buy a new clone?